When Ross passed away recently, his wishes were that the residue of his estate go to a Christian charity demonstrating the gospel message of God’s love. The trustees of his estate chose the Wellington City Mission to further the work we do. The bequest came as a surprise to us. We would’ve loved to have been able to thank Ross and have him see what good his money would have done whilst he was alive.

The saddest thing for us
was that it was too late to say
“Thank You”.
Bequests are the fastest growing source of philanthropic support in the world today. As people live longer and their children also become independently wealthy, more and more people are supporting their favourite charities by leaving something by way of bequest. It is often the largest and most important gift they can make, and it is an extension of a lifetime of commitment to the cause they have believed in.
We are having more and more people enquire about leaving a gift in their Will. We want to make sure that we are available to answer questions and provide whatever information may be needed. And of course for those who have made that decision already to leave a gift in your Will to the City Mission, thank you and please, let us know.
If you are just thinking about a bequest, and would like to have a respectful and confidential conversation, please contact Gay Keast on 04 245 0884 or via email