If you’re flying in or out of Wellington Airport this winter, keep an eye out for our giant red key!

The installation offers Wellingtonians, or guests from further afield, the chance to donate towards the ongoing construction of Whakamaru.
Due for completion in October, Whakamaru will be a transformational community facility open 24/7 to those in need.
Alongside existing Wellington City Mission services like the Social Supermarket and our Community Practitioners, Whakamaru will be home to 35 long-term transitional housing apartments for individuals and families, an accessible medical centre and laundry and showers available to all. With a pay-what-you-choose public café, as well as fantastic meeting rooms available for use, this will be a space for everyone in Wellington.
You can find the giant Whakamaru key by the airport’s domestic gates. Check it out. The installation is accompanied by hundreds of pocket-sized replicas – and anyone who donates is encouraged to take one for their own keychain.
People can donate by tapping an accessible payWave machine, or by scanning the visible QR code.
So, take a key, make a donation and fly away having left a lasting impact on the Wellington community!