Food & Goods
Every day individuals and families come to The Mission asking for food support, when they are struggling to make ends meet.
Many of those who walk through our door are more likely to have inadequate diets with poorer nutrition.
The Mission has historically run one of Wellington’s largest food banks, and this facility re-opened as a Social Supermarket in March, 2021. Here people who require food support can shop for free in a supermarket environment and choose food they are familiar with preparing, rather than receiving pre-packaged food bags.
Our Social Supermarket is entirely dependent on donations from generous Wellingtonians to stock the shelves, and we also use donations for the daily food we serve in our Community Lounge in Newtown.
We also supply clothing, bedding and household items to people who are struggling.
Food items we regularly run short of include:

Food and goods can be dropped into The Mission at Whakamaru, Mount Cook, between the hours of 9.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday, and 9.00am to 3.00pm on Saturdays.
Our office is closed on public holidays.