The last year or so was really horrible for me. During the first Alert Level 4 Lockdown, my living arrangements were very volatile, and I was unsafe. I felt completely lost, and I was suffering from depression. I couldn’t find anywhere else to go, and I ended up in an Emergency Housing hotel. I was safer, but I was lonely, and I wasn’t able to recover from what I’d been through.
I stayed there for five months before Work & Income NZ told me about The Mission’s Transitional Housing at Kemp. I was a bit unsure about it (being a rest-home and all!) but I came for an interview, and it seemed
like the right place for me to start again. Everyone made me feel very welcome, which was a huge change for me. I went from being told I was a waste of space, to feeling more wanted than I have ever been. Something small like being greeted with a “Morning!” every day means the world to me. I especially enjoy talking with the residents about the old times, and love baking cookies to share around with the other residents and manuhiri. Hearing someone say “Oh, these are yum!” makes me feel really good!
I’ve been using my time to work on my self-esteem and opening myself up to others. People here are so kind, and they’ve told me that I’m an easy-going and lovable person – although I still struggle to see that
in myself. I’ve got back to being close with two of my daughters, who live in Auckland and Australia. I talk to them every day, and they have noticed a big change in me. We’re hoping that my daughter in Auckland moves to Wellington soon, and I’ve set a goal to one day visit my daughter in Australia. Coming into Christmas can be a pretty hard time for me because it reminds me of when my dad passed away. But it helps to know that this year I will be in a safe place, with so many friends around me.
My whole state of mind has completely changed. I feel like myself again. I’m more self-confident, and I’ve been applying for jobs. I’m also looking for a house in this area, so that I can still visit the residents heaps!