What We Do

Community Services

Everyone’s circumstances are unique. Our Community Services have a wide array of skills including social work, counselling, alcohol and drug support, support workers and financial mentors. Our team start by listening carefully to your needs and what matters to you.

We’ll try to find the right balance between acting with speed should there be any high-risk issues, as well as taking the time to work through your challenges in ways that help you cope better.

While our services can provide you with the support you need, we can also advocate on your behalf to outside organisations and agencies if needed. Our plan to help you will combine our services and what we’re able to provide, as well as those of other organisations to help you achieve positive outcomes.

We can provide assistance in the areas of:

  • Housing: Advocacy to improve your housing situation.
  • Income: Advocacy with Work and Income and Inland Revenue Department. We can also connect you with a budgeting service.
  • Health: Help you and your whānau to access services such as; mental health, disability, GP and DHB.
  • Education: Help you and your whānau to access education services, parenting programmes, and help advocate for you with your education provider.
  • Whānau Support: Developing a positive and trusted relationship with you through regular home visits. We work towards strengthening your role as parents/caregivers, building positive relationships with your tamariki/children, whānau members and connecting you to your local community activities.

Regardless of your situation, we’ll help you come up with a plan that will equip you with the skills you need to work towards a more secure and happier future.

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