What We Do

Financial Mentors

At the Wellington City Mission, we work towards helping you achieve empowerment, transformation, and fullness of life.  We realise life can be hard and that many people are struggling to make ends meet.  The financial mentoring team is here to listen and offer support, to advocate on your behalf and work together with you to reach your financial goals.  We tailor our services to suit your situation and offer:

Budgeting Advice

Suitable for people who would like help writing a budget and some tips on how to manage their finances better.  This is usually a one-off appointment.

Financial Mentoring

Like with budgeting advice, we start by writing a budget and finding out what your goals are. We then meet with you more regularly until you have reached your goals.  Each person/whānau has different needs – some need help setting goals, others might want to talk through changes they could make to balance their budget, or they would like some advocacy around debt repayments.

Total Money Management

This service is suitable for people who have high debt or are not able to manage their money well. This could be due to added stressors, like mental health, disability, or addiction issues.

After writing a budget and making a plan, our clients get their income redirected into our welfare account and we pay their bills, debts and start building up their savings.  We also negotiate with creditors to arrange payment plans our clients can afford, and to ensure creditors are acting ethically.

Alongside the Total Money Management service, we offer education to enable our clients to confidently manage their finances once they come off our service.

For Financial Mentoring Support click below:

See below for some self-help modules