
Wellington City Mission

Volunteer Profile – Chloe

I really enjoy working in the Social Supermarket every Wednesday. I help sort food and stock the shelves, and also get to chat with the shoppers. Some people need help… Read more »

I Do Matter

I feel like I’ve been stuck in the bottom of a very deep and dark hole for the last 15 years. But after nearly a year with The Mission, I’m… Read more »

On a Mission in Lockdown

When Wellington first went into Alert Level 4 Lockdown in August, we knew that the need for our services would be massive. But we also knew that Wellington would be… Read more »

Volunteer Profile – Adrian

I first got to know about The Mission through one of their Community Sports Days, and I asked to start volunteering with them. For the past year, I’ve worked in… Read more »

A Safe and Loving Home

The last year or so was really horrible for me. During the first Alert Level 4 Lockdown, my living arrangements were very volatile, and I was unsafe. I felt completely… Read more »

Loving Each Day

My life was completely empty before coming to Kemp five years ago. After my mother passed away, my sisters and I somehow lost contact and we couldn’t get in touch… Read more »

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